Recovery is one of the most challenging battles many of those who suffer from the disease of addiction and alcoholism will have to face. With all of the treatment options available, finding the right choice is often as tricky as dealing with the throws of addiction itself. Dr. Zotos is here to help simplify the myriad of choices available and help you get on the right track to recovery from addiction and alcoholism.
What Is An Addiction Specialist, and What Can They Do For You?
Recovery from addiction is one of the most challenging battles you or a loved one may face. Taking the first step to seek help for addiction can be an emotionally exhausting endeavor. It requires that a person come to grips with their reality and confront their need for life-changing interventions. So how can an addiction specialist help you?
An addiction specialist like Dr. Alexander Zotos is a physician with extensive training and specialization in addiction medicine. Dr. Zotos has access to a wide range of treatment options and can develop a customized care plan to aid the addicted person in reaching a state of recovery.
What Are The Benefits Of An Addiction Specialist?
Just as each individual is unique, so are the circumstances surrounding the need for treatment. A qualified addiction specialist, like Dr. Zotos, will take care to evaluate each patient and the nuances surrounding their case, developing a comprehensive treatment plan which will help patients reach their goal of recovery. The ultimate benefit is severing the shackles of addiction and providing patients with a safe path from behaviors that lend themselves to addiction. Behavioral modifications combined with or without medications can assist in alleviating the dominating process that fuels addictions.
How To Get Customized Care
Dr. Zotos does prescribe Suboxone™/buprenorphine; however, in many cases, the use of medications to alleviate the intense cravings is secondary to addressing behaviors that have led to the behavior. In some instances, Dr. Zotos may confer with other specialists on your behalf and refer you to mental health professionals who can assist you further. Still, having a qualified advocate for your health needs is something you can count on at Zotos Health & Wellness.