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Start your journey to great health with me!
Alexander Zotos, MD, FASAM
Suboxone™ / Buprenorphine
Addiction Recovery with Medicated Assisted Treatment
MAT for Addiction Treatment & How it Works (Suboxone™)
Medicated assisted treatment provides one with immediate relief of withdrawals, reduction of cravings, and a safety net while beginning and maintaining the recovery process. Many people search for a Suboxone doctor, or buprenorphine doctor, and while we do administer Suboxone / buprenorphine, we utilize medications in conjunction with treatment practices which have been proven to reduce dependency and help adjust behaviors, routines, and habits that influence the use of illicit or abuse of prescription drugs.
Here is what you should expect from a Suboxone™ doctor and from our practice as well.
• A comprehensive history and physical is performed
• Induction phase: Initial dosing with Suboxone™ / buprenorphine is started which stops physical withdrawals
• Stabilization phase: continued assessment of patient and monitoring while on daily Suboxone™ medication regimen.
• Maintenance phase: continuing Suboxone™ / buprenorphine while learning the recovery process
• Continuing the recovery journey: Suboxone™ / buprenorphine alone is not sufficient for treatment. Combined with 12 step meetings and/or counseling one continues their journey of recovery
• Routine monitoring with random drug testing for accountability
Benefits of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
It has been estimated that 3 million people in the U.S., have had or currently suffer from opioid use disorder (OUD). More than 500,000 are dependent on heroin alone.
Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, has been at the forefront of opioid abuse and drug overdose deaths in recent years. Fentanyl is 50-100 times more potent than morphine.
Statistics show that improved patient survival contributes to the success rate of recovering addicts as more patients go on to live self-directed lives, free of their addictions.
Suboxone™ Buprenorphine is commonly prescribed to diminish the symptoms of withdrawal, reduce cravings, and provide a safety net to individuals in recovery so that they can get on with their lives.
Participation in a Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) program has been shown to increase retention rates in treatment. Increasing retention rates gives one the ability to continue their journey of recovery and stay focused on their goals. Additionally, MAT decreases the chances of relapse which can be both costly and cause long term health issues and overdose deaths.
Research shows that MAT helps reduce the number and frequency of relapse from opioid addiction and subsequently a decrease in illicit opioid use and other related criminal activity.
As is the nature of any addiction, often times addiction can be the contributing factors behind unemployment; however, candidates who maintain sobriety and continued counseling for addiction tend to find and keep employment longer than those who suffer from active addictions.
The ultimate goal of MAT is recovery and support. This is a process of change where patients improve their ability to live healthy, self-directed lives under the care of recovery support systems that help people address their mental and/or substance use disorders so that they can manage their conditions more effectively.
Treatment with buprenorphine on an outpatient basis is affordable for most. Buprenorphine/Suboxone™ is covered on almost all insurance plans, and patients without insurance can expect to pay reasonable costs out of pocket and with discount cards.
Additional Services

Your Journey to Freedom Starts Here
Looking for Suboxone™ Treatments?
Suboxone™ has been clinically used to alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal from opioid addictions and heroin addictions.
To begin your treatment journey to recovery with Dr. Zotos, simply fill out the contact form below and a member of his staff will help you get scheduled for a consultation.
Don’t want to wait for an appointment?
Dr. Zotos is a Concierge Physician
Because we typically see a lower volume of patients than some of the larger hospitals, we have more time for one-on-one specialized care with our patients. With our direct primary care services you are always just a phone call or office visit away from the immediate attention you need.
Unlike traditional hospital settings, a concierge physician, like Dr. Zotos, is available and on call for you. No longer do you have to wait days, weeks, or even months to get into see your physician. Dr. Zotos is always accessible to his patients to ensure they get the treatment they need and deserve.
Dr. Zotos has two convenient locations and proudly serves the Chattanooga Tennessee, and Ringgold, Georgia areas. Our newest office in Ringgold is currently taking new patients. Give Dr. Z a call today!
Many good people, not unlike yourself, pay into the insurance system and often times rarely utilize the benefits of the insurance simply because the deductibles are greater than the annual care they need.
Dr. Zotos simplifies all of this for you and offers concierge medical services for a low monthly fee that is well within most budgets and much less expensive than insurance prices. These services enable you to have a physician on demand without all of the complicated and often frustrating encounters you may have getting appointments and dealing with insurance companies.
Dr. Zotos understands that many chronic conditions can be debilitating and the course of care taken can mean the difference between living a life that is full and satisfying and a life that is overwhelming or riddled with pain and compounded complications.